
the toilecaster

I think my bathroom experience would be taken up a notch by one of these :

- Posted using my iPhone


comfortable cartwheels

Currently watching a beginner gymnastics class that includes my 5 yr old son and 5 girls between the ages of 7 and 11. Most of us would be really uncomfortable in this situation - not able to keep up, all girls, an attention span issue. No issue for Charlie. He has an amazing knack for creating his own little experience within his current environment. A great imagination, desire to do new things and an encouraging teacher make my sons experience a huge success.

seeing isn't always believing

As I've been working today I threw in the Eagles Farewell I DVD to listen to. I've always preferred to hear a live recording over the studio version - I can often imagine myself inside that experience much easier than a highly produced studio track (although i find great satisfaction in both). What i find interesting about this DVD (and i'm sure every eagles DVD I would watch) is that every time I take a glance at the TV I am completely taken out of the music. These guys are really difficult to watch! very little emotion, showmanship, and finesse - at least visually that is. As soon as i turn my eye back to my computer i can sense the emotion, finesse, and vibe. I think what makes this band survive in this era where look is as important as talent is their chemistry and overall approach to the "song". In this case Hearing is Believing.

(one other note - its really cool to see Frey sing along with the other members original tunes. It shows a real genuine respect for his peers)


perception is experience

Been thinking recently that things get really complicated when you come at situations with all sorts of different backgrounds, experiences, ideas and expectations. Feelings and emotions are like a lense and every person has a different prescription they view life through. It takes great effort to see through another persons lense but when you are able to focus your eyes you begin to relate to their experience in a whole new way.